Monday 27 March 2023

Shardul : The Official Mascot of PBDKC

We are very happy to announce the name of our tiger mascot. Today we decided to name our Tiger Karateka, Shardul.

He has already mastered all the techniques of karate-do. He is a karate black belt and a champion karateka of our Purba Bardhaman District. He excels in Kata and Kumite.
His strength, agility and courage are the X-factors. He is passionate for life and karate.

Name Suggested by: Rohan Roy
©️ Bardhaman Karate-Do Association
< District Governing Body for Karate in Purba Bardhaman >

Tiger // BKA // Karataka // Purba Bardhaman District Karate Championships // Bardhaman Karate-Do Association

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