Saturday 19 December 2020

Fair Play in Sport Karate

Fair play, ethics  in sport karate is a remarkable contribution to the cultivation of aggression in civilized tracks. The attitude of Karate-Do is the teaching of an art that did not come, not there to destroy, but to fill Martial Arts with a higher ethic - the renunciation of violence. It does not harm, but stands in thought and action in the highest respect for the integrity of the other.

Fair Play Purba Bardhaman Karate BKA

Fair play is an expression of a human attitude that is expressed in mindful behaviour towards oneself, towards others, but also towards the environment and the community. Fair behaviour requires the skills of “mindfulness”, “honesty”, “self-confidence”, “consideration”, “being able to lose” and “empathy”. The education for fair play is one of the central tasks of Karate-Do.

The focus of Karate-Do is not just on performance, but on people. The ethics charter is based on the idea of responsible management by human and technically competent people. The authority of the governing body of Purba Bardhaman District Karate, i.e. Bardhaman Karate-Do Association (BKA) , their credibility and the advantage of their expertise and experience over other BKA participants and athletes should lead to an exemplary function so that their claim to leadership is recognized.

Source: Web

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